The Magic of the Lanterns

Did you know all NYC Winter Lantern Festival lanterns are handmade?  From lantern welding, shaping, and painting, our team consists of artisans each with over 20 years of crafting experience.

Cultural Preservation: The Lantern Festival helps preserve cultural heritage and traditional arts. The methods used to create the lanterns, the materials chosen, and the symbols or images depicted on the lanterns all connect to historical and cultural traditions.

Public Art: Lantern festivals often involve large-scale installations in public spaces, transforming urban or natural environments into temporary art galleries. These installations can provoke thought and conversation, promoting community engagement with art.

Interactive Art: Many lantern festivals include interactive elements. 

Multidisciplinary Art: The festival is often a combination of various art forms - visual arts through the lanterns, performing arts through dances and music, literary arts through storytelling and poetry, and even culinary arts through traditional festival foods.

Innovation and Technology: Modern Lantern Festivals often integrate technology into traditional art forms. This can include LED lights, digital projections, and even interactive elements, offering new possibilities for artistic expression.

Craftsmanship and Artistry: The creation of lanterns involves traditional craftsmanship skills and artistic innovation. Each lantern is a unique piece of art, with designs ranging from simple and traditional to complex and contemporary.

Artistic Expression: The festival is a venue for various forms of artistic expression beyond the lanterns themselves. The lanterns can also be used to tell stories, with some festivals featuring lanterns that depict historical events, myths, or popular tales.